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Time Management Strategies for Apprentices

Master the art of time management and venture into the realms of learning and self-discovery. Find the cornerstone upon which your journey towards knowledge and personal growth is built. Your improved proficiency in time management will amplify your productivity and pave the way for your unparalleled success. 
  • For: Apprentices
  • Duration:  2.5 hours 
  • Instructors: Wayne Belanger
                          Michael Somers
    • Price: $49

What's included?

Equip yourself with the following strategies designed to optimize your time utilization.
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  • Understand The Importance of Effective Time Management

    Delve into the significance of effective time management for apprentices and why it lays the foundation for success in their chosen career path.
  • Use Time Management Strategies

    Discover a range of time management strategies tailored specifically to the unique demands of an apprentice who is studying to be a skilled craftsperson.
  • Set Clear Goals

    Find the importance of goal setting for construction apprentices and how it contributes to their growth and the industry as a whole.
  • Create Schedules and Prioritize Tasks

    Explore how to design a schedule tailored to an apprentice's unique needs, helping them balance the demands of on-the-job training, classroom instruction, skill development, and personal life.
  • Block Time

    Learn the concept of blocking time for study in detail, examining the benefits it offers to construction apprentices.
  • Practice Work/Life Balance

    Discover practical strategies to effectively manage time, priorities, and responsibilities. Enables yourself to excel in your apprenticeship while still enjoying a fulfilling personal life.

Wayne Belanger

With nearly 40 years as a construction industry training professional, Wayne was instrumental in developing the ABC of Wisconsin apprenticeship programs, which is the largest of its kind in the country with more than 2,000 active apprentices.

Wayne was also the driving force behind ABC of Wisconsin's celebrated Construction U programs, which standardized communication, foreman, supervisory, and leadership training for the construction industry. Wayne was also an editor/writer for the Construction Communication book published by Prentice Hall Publishing. He also wrote and edited the award-winning ABC of Wisconsin Safety Workbook, which is updated annually, for more than two decades. 

Michael Somers

Mike has more than 40 years construction experience as owner and manager of construction businesses in Wisconsin. Mike has served on the ABC Wisconsin Board of Directors and was the driving force behind the creation of the ABC Heavy Equipment Operator Apprenticeship program, having taught the program for several years.
Currently, Mike teaches several construction leadership and management courses. In addition, he continues to travel throughout the United States and Canada teaching construction professionals and sharing a lifetime of “real experiences” in and personal enthusiasm for construction.
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